My allergies are finally fading (the last of the symptoms are slowly going away) as it becomes rainy again. My area has been through a terrible drought last winter (one of the most extreme I've seen) and it feels good to see rain every other week again. But with summer comes the dreaded bees: wood and bumble. Wood bees are larger bees, they don't sting, but are certainly intimidating. Bumble bees do sting, so it's common sense to stay out of their way. Plus, the spiders and other insects are starting to appear. I have a fear of bugs, so you can imagine that this is my worst nightmare. But still, who can deny summer's beauty?
Do those flowers not look magnificent? And in even brighter news, sometime this summer, I will be going on vacation. It's about time I've had some relaxation time. I've been rather stressed for a few weeks.
Also, random Happy Bunny image: