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Devil May Cry

Right, today's entry is much more positive, as it's about one of ym favourite games! Devil May Cry! Not only is this game one of the coolest games I've also played but it's also one of the best designed, fun games as well. The game is not overly-complicated in terms of plot but it beats other games simpley by being more fun. It appeals to the casual gamer because of the gun/sword techniques that are so cool, (and me, admittedly) and the hardcore gamer has Dante Must Die.

This is the equivalent of European Extreme on Metal Gear, it's the mode that is harder than hard. Only the most skilled Devil Hunters can get anywhere on this mode, and it's taken me weeks to get very far. But when you beat a super-hard boss the feeling is unmatchable. When you've been doing the exact same thing for a week, on most games it gets frustrating and it usually goes straight back to Game. However, hen you beat Nelo Angelo the third time afer trying so hard for so long you can't beat the feeling. It makes you feel like you're the best gamer there is you feel like you're unbeatable. Personally, I think there should be a club reserved for people who have done DMD, as it would be quite exclusive.

A much more positive entry today, but tomorrow I move on to that little orange weasel Crash Bandicoot.