@RogerioFM: $120 until the game has enough content to make it good? No thanks. EA and others have relied to heavily on those "season passes" and frankly I am tired of it.
@fede018 No we don't need feminism in our video games. If you don't like fit, sexy, kickass, and beautiful woman in your games just vote with your wallet and don't buy. You will be the minority though because sex, it sells.
Cosplay woman won't mind dressing up like her, so why should you?
@couly @Deevoshun I grew up with games like UT99 and Quake. Partly the reason I am gravitating towards TitanFall is having that fast pace gameplay make its return. I am a bit burnt on the military shooter genre, played BF3 for over 700 hours, BF4 a lot less due to the buggy mess.
Going from Pilot to Titan is like playing two great game modes. In a Titan I didn't feel limited by constraints to mechanics such as being in a tank. The Titan felt like an extension to my abilities.
Deevoshun's comments