@Synthia @Defbal13 I actually meant that as a serious question, for example earlier on, someone made a comment that got deleted for being abusive a couple of minutes later. Before deletion, I called him a moron for making the horrible comment. Would I get a strike for speaking up and abusing someone who had already opened the gates so to speak? More instant justice rather than getting banned, creating new log in and starting again. (justice not the right word, but couldn't think of better one, it's been a long week)
Well this has been horrifying, realising how a lot of gamers are scum and leave horrible messages. There are people here who said they dislike this site but have been leaving very negative comments for an hour. Could the rest of you please pick out people like DankDutch and call them a moron or something every time they do this. Troll the Trolls.
Have fun everyone, apologies to the rest of humanity, we were better in the 90's.
@sonichunter99 you are a fucking moron, grow up and try and grow some form of empathy with something, maybe someone from whatever species you're from (i'm guessing neanderthal)
Defbal13's comments