@rasputin177 Well, for one "There's little defense for lines such as "not pony tales or cotton tales but DuckTales," and there doesn't need to be. It's a catchy, silly jingle that gets us excited for some duck-related hijinks. And though the DuckTales song is able to remain enjoyable despite being nonsensical" doesn't sound like a positive review to me. And he gets down on little things like ducks can't breath in space. Despite the things he may have gotten right, the wrong things completely overshadowed that. And yes I do listen to myself thank you, been doing it a long time. He was nit-picky about things that had nothing to do with game mechanics, and everything to do with the original content of the game. So, I ask you, did you read the full blog, or are you just getting upset because you can?
This article was obviously written by someone who never played the original games, or watched the TV show. Are you really putting down the theme song? People who have no idea about a game, shouldn't be allowed to review it. I played the original game on the NES when I was like 8 or 9, and I played the hell out of it. I know I'm going to play the heck out of this one as well especially if there's extra content. What ever happened to the non-biased journalists? Or is that just out the window now with anyone having the ability to make a blog?
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