Awesome episode (as always) but I think the major issue with the gaming community or the Internet community on a whole is that only extreme things or extreme behaviors get acknowledged or exemplified. It's pop culture rule number 1 really and people will gravitate towards what's most popular, even if you don't like it you'll still check it out because it's popular which has always been an interesting observation of mine but to go back on topic, it's the extremeness that gets noticed.and that's the reason why (I feel) every comment/ post/ tweet is soo.extreme, to be I personally try not to take extreme behaviour on the Internet seriously as i realize it's an attempt to get noticed. And in real life these people largely don't live what they preach.
@nuncius_mortis Agreed... Well Somewhat. While i do know the "console war" is a fake entity and the "diehard fans" of each specific product is retarded. They are at least on a basic level competing with each other. I aslo agree the boxes are quite similar and now that sony has been showing off its camera you can definitely see they had the same "concept" as Microsoft, it is still none the less a different company that represents a different revenue stream within the same market therefore creating competition on some level.
Its funny actually, cause when i 1st starting posting it was great! then i discovered "console fanboys" uuuhhhh... whats real bad though is like danny said, i found myself getting angrier in my post to match what was being said back to me to the point of even dreading coming into the comments sections cause i could actively predict it was gonna be a console pissing match EVERY FREAKING TIME!! I honestly would like to make more gamer friends as most of my friends are either musicians, performers, entertainers etc. and almost couldn't give a shit about video games lol its still funny to see them try to play something they are utterly useless at.
@phppapa Through thick and thin? lol really man, its a company and a console not your family/girlfriend (boyfriend if girl or whatever sexual orientation). I don't understand why people get so attached to the products they buy, Its insane!!
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