Wow! I was just modded like last week! I used to have a clean record of like six months and not one mod, but now I'm slipping up pretty often. This one is more bull then the last!
See, I got modded for spam, apparently...
This is what happened..
I got on Xbox this morning, and noticed people were switching to CoD4 from MW2.. Actually, I'd been noticing it more and more over the past several weeks.
So, me, being a Youtuber, I make a little rant/vlog video about it (found here).
Then, I go to the General Games Discussion forum and make a topic about it. I type a nice several statements in text with my opinion. Then, I just say "I make Youtube videos also and I made one about this, in case anyone's interested." And I threw in the link.
The topic got like six or seven replies of people talking on topic, none of which were complaining saying I was spamming. One of the people even told me that the production was good, (I used Chroma Key, a soft layer of background music, etc.). Then, a minute later I get a PM saying that the topic has been purged (fancy talk for locked, though you can't (or at least I can't) view it anymore) and I've been given a spam warning.
Usually, I would accept something like this, but I have a rebuttal.
I had a nice topic with statements. I wasn't just posting the link and saying "WACH MAI VID & RAET 5 ST4RZ PLZZZ!!111". I had written a nice bit to go with it, and just casually threw it in at the end, since I felt it would add onto the conversation, and express my personal thoughts better then words could.
And no one was complaining, either. As I said, about six/seven responses of normal discussion. I say no harm no foul.
And they didn't even mark any points against me! Now it's absolutely pointless! They just purged my topic and didn't even bring anything on my account. I guess that's good, since that's wasn't getting me near to ban, but it just makes this mod more pointless. They obviously didn't think my offense was bad enough to put points against me on my account, so why would it be grounds for purging my topic?
I didn't mind it so much when I got modded the first time, since if I'd read the rules, I could have avoided getting modded. Though this was not against the rules. I did not spam. I started a discussion, with my own statement in text, and just posting my statement in video form as well.
By this logic, Gamespot is spamming everytime they have one of their articles and also link to a video on their Channel, which they do often. Yes, Gamespot has a Youtube Channel and they often embed their videos from their channel on this site.
If anyone knows a mod or anyone at all I could give my case to, let me know.. I know I won't even gain anything from this, since it didn't count against my account, but it's just a principle now that it was wrongfully purged.
Well, sorry for my rage.
You all have been modded for bull too. Just annoys me when sites do stuff that they ban/punish others' for. I used to use a site called GaiaOnline, and they would constantly spam Announcements all over your browser that were from the site (they weren't pop-ups, but just things from the site all over the screen) that were always either advertising for their own products or advertising for other companies' products (Gaia had been payed to do so, of course). And the third-party items they were advertising were completely irrellivant ads, like for Skittles and razors (as in shaving razors.. Not even the phone "Razor") (And those were true examples).
So, that's just where I get kind of the same vibe from Gamespot that I did from Gaia. I quit Gaia.. The spam thing was just one of the many things of crap that site gave, but Gamespot isn't to that same point yet..
If you've actually read through this entire entry, thanks. And for that, I reward you with this picture of a leaf blower.
And also, I completely owned someone on the forums.
Yes. Demotivational Poster worthy, indeed.
I finished rendering The Big Story Part 1. It was a very long story of how I got it fixed, and I'd rather not go into a lot of detail. I'm tired, and I've been typing a lot. I uploaded it to, though they don't upload things on the weekends, so hopefully you all will be able to see The Big Story sometime upcoming this week/early next.
So, this is the end of this entry. Thank you for reading.