Well after all this unexpected stuff and delays, I can now conclude my blog thingy series thing about my top ten favorite games of ALL TIME.
This game and I have a bit of history. One of my friends had just told me that this game was fun. I'd heard a bit of hype for it. I had some spare cash I wasn't using on anything, so I decided to buy it. This was about a year ago, by the way. So I go home and play it... My first thought was This game is unique, I have to at least give it that. Different from most other games I've played. Though I'm not sure if I like it or not...I honestly wasn't completely satisfied with spending $60 on it... I didn't think it was terrible, but I had definitely played better games before. I think that the reason I didn't really like it was because it was so different. It took a little bit to adjust to. So I basically stopped playing it for about a week, dissatisfied. About a week later, I thought Y'know what? I'm not going to let my $60 go to waste! This game must have some good in it, I'm just not finding it!So I sat down and put in the game again. I got a little deeper into it and finally adjusted. Now I couldn't get off of it. I was all over the game. It lasted so long. Right about at the time that I had beaten the main storyline and most of the other things in the game, I had just gotten Xbox LIVE. So I decided to download some DLC for it. That was worth it as well. Loved the DLC. It had then been about a year that the game had been out (and also a year that I'd had it) and I thought to myself Wasn't I playing this game last year? This game is still fun too! I haven't even beaten all the side quests! And there's another DLC to come (that was back about that time)!That's when I had decided it was my favorite game of all time. It was amazing fun that never ended. I still play it today.
And this game is Fallout 3.
It is my favorite game of all time. Amazing fun. Lasts longer than any other game I've ever played. Very unique and unlike most games I've ever played. The Fallout franchise from the 90's had changed so much. Yes, the original Fallout 1 was great, in fact it made it into my top ten countdown as well. But so far, no other Fallout game compares to Fallout 2. IMO, Fallout 3 was just a rise up from the other Fallout games. What I mean is that Fallout 1 was great. Fallout 2 wasn't as good as Fallout 1. And Fallout Tactics was the worst of the three. I bet most people were done with Fallout, saying that Interplay was like a one-hit-wonder of video games. So Fallout 3 comes and shows them that the franchise isn't dead. Interplay was good, but Fallout needed the Bethesda twist to be the game it is.
So yes! I am one person on the planet who doesn't say MWII is teh besztz gaem evar!!!11And such. Seems like that's all I'm hearing lately. No offense if it is your favorite game, I'm just saying that it's very common right now.
Well, this concludes my little "blog series".
Thank you all for reading.