Hello class. For today's game in my top ten countdown of favorites, we have a fairly new release. Please welcome your new student, Brutal Legend!
You're Eddie Riggs, a roadie for a new Rock N Roll Band who is fed up with what the genre has become. Long-story-short, you get put in a magical world where music has a great power. You, your guitar, and your axe are here to save the world against the evil Lord Doviculous.
I have to say the main reason why I love this game so much is because of the story to it.... It's got to be the best story in a game I've ever played by far. So interesting and enthralling...... GOSH I loved it!!! So full of plot twists and everything! Amazing! And the thing at the very end of the last cutscene (people who've beaten the game will know what I'm talking about) is just like a huge Question Mark at the end, leaving it open for one hell of a sequel!
This game is great. I recommend it for anyone. At least give it a rent, I'd say.
Stay tuned to my blog and see #7!