DeltaOneSeven's forum posts
There have been some problems lingering with the PS3 since the very beginning; the major one has been taking care of (absolute lack of games, which was completely taken care of in the software takeover of 2009), but there are still a few nitpicks that make the XBOX more convenient. I figured this would be the time to ask, because SONY owes us. And if you say they already paid us back, how? I got Sonic 2 for 30 days, which I already had emulated on my Mac, I got inFamous--but it costs like 15 bucks, and I got Dead Nation, which costs even less. And if you go deeper (triple entendre-it's both a sexual joke AND an Inception reference!), you'll notice SONY is just trying to promote their new, fresh, still full price sequels--inFamous is trying to promote inFamous 2, LBP (offered) is trying to promote LBP2, etc. etc. And the 30-Day PSN+ is trying to promote upgrading to a full-year. So they get hacked, severely affect my online time, and then they're trying to promote their products? I think I'm owed a REAL apology.
Things I want from SONY for a proper apology-Custom soundtrack has to be in ALL games. (Custom soundtrack is basically being able to play music in the background to games.) Simply permitting them to is not working. Even KZ3, a game that's supposed to be showcasing all the powerful abilities the PS3 has, doesn't have this. You have to be like MICROSOFT and enforce it. Hey, it's not so hard to do. You did it with Trophies for PSN games. You can do it with custom soundtrack. Do you know how awesome and fitting it would be to play Black Ops while Rolling Stones goes on in the background?
-More PSN games. Seriously, you're getting annihilated by MICROSOFT in this part of the industry. You need to remove forced developer payment. MICROSOFT gets to charge us so they can afford to keep XBLA open, and you guys can use some of your money from your general electric appliances to help encourage devs and keep PSN open. I can only really think of Joe Danger, Dead Nation, and Fat Princess as good PSN games. Plus, do you know how painful it was to wait a whole month to be able to play Chinatown in CoD4? (Of course, then I was just introduced to this idea of payed map packs, and I wasn't affected by MW2/BlOps much because their map packs SUCK.)
-Less bad ports. Seriously, if you're okay with seeing games like Fallout 3, The Orange Box, Oblivion, even Black Ops in the first few months of '10, being failures on PS3 but great on Xbox 360? Encourage devs to make use of the powerful Cell processor. Your hardware, especially the CPU, is better than the 360s. Show it off.
That's all. Just a few simple, easy-to-do steps that'll really help me support SONY. I don't give a crap about inFamous, I give a crap about being able to play SLAYER in the background of Limbo 2.They're really select games. I can only see CoD4 in my library.does xbox even have any games that are platinum hits
im not trying to troll or anything its just everytime i go to the store to buy games i have never seen a platinum hit game for xbox
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