I'm very well aware that I'm not the most popular guy on the web. Probably only two or three people are going to read this attack at Roger. It probably won't reach the popular movie critic and professional know-it-all ****
"I mentioned that a Campbell's soup could be art. I was imprecise. Actually, it is Andy Warhol's painting of the label that is art. Would Warhol have considered Clive Barker's video game Undying as art? Certainly. He would have kept it in its shrink-wrapped box, placed it inside a Plexiglas display case, mounted it on a pedestal, and labeled it 'Video Game.'"
These words have practically exploded on videogame forums everywhere, but I'm not here to discuss what the gamers say. I'm here to talk about why I think of Ebert and his comments as ignorant, unfounded and overall retarded.
I'm not sure exactly what he means by saying that if Warhol grabbed Undying, put it on a pedestal and labeled it being art. Maybe he meant that only artists can make art, but in general, aren't we all artists?
Art: an occupation requiring knowledge or skill
This is one of the definitions that appears when art is looked up in Merriam-Webster. Knowledge and skill can be acquired in many ways, one of these ways is by going to a fancy ivy-league school another is by practicing endlessly and refining one's talent. In essence art is an abstract term that could refeer to anything that requires knowledge or skill. It could be a painting, a movie, a book, a picture, a song or even a videogame. In fact, videogames have become harder to produce than even movies, requiring more manpower and money. Play Final Fantasy 8 or 10 or 12 and then tell me that videogames are not an art. Play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and then **** tell me that the thousands of dollars and people who devoted themselves to this behemoth of a project are not artists. Play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and tell me that the enviroments in that game cannot be considered art. You Mr. Ebert are an ignorant man that cannot acknowledge art or effort. You sir did not even review Beowulf on your website, you merely wrote about how everyone in the audience was laughing at this movie. Are you aware how much money and manpower it takes to make a CGI movie of that calibur? I even doubt that anyone was laughing in that theater, it just baffles the mind that a crowd would react in such a way to such a well-produced movie. Of course, it has more quirks than usual but its based off of a nordic poem. They're not exactly known for the best pacing or writing ever, but it stuck close to its source material and thats what counts.
"How do I know this? How many games have I played? I know it by the definition of the vast majority of games. They tend to involve point and shoot in many variations and plotlines, treasure or scavenger hunts, as in "Myst," and player control of the outcome. I don't think these attributes have much to do with art; they have more in common with sports."
You are only further proving your hipocracy sir. There are thousands of games that do thousands of diffrent things. But in essence, everything has been done. Games are somewhat constricted by something called "mechanics" which movies don't have to worry about. In a movie you write, hire, shoot, distribute and get money. But in games there are many, many more steps to get your products on the shelf. Portals does use a "point and shoot" mechanic for much of itself but it integrates a portal instead of bullets. This is a physics based puzzle game, I don't think movies can be physics based.
Like many other people Roger Ebert deserves to be punched in the **** Maybe fed a good videogame or two. I only judge after I have throughly tried something. This behavior is simply immature.
Being a 65 year old man, to be called immature by a 16 year old boy should be indicative of your ignorance and apalling behavior.
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