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Half-Life 3? Unfortunatley not.

Valve. They really know what they're doing don't they? Every once in awhile they release a groundbreaking videogame that preforms on every aspect, usually bundled with another game of almost equal caliber. This combination of high-quality games and amazing offers has put it in a high place in the videogame world. Its flagship series, half-life, is a healthy mix of puzzle solving, great shooting and amazing plot. However, it isn't as strong as it was in 2004 or 1998, its mechanics are growing aged and its graphical style is slowly falling behind. Which brings me to my grim and sad editiorial...

As we all know half-life 2: episode 3 will be the final chapter in the half-life 2 saga. Who is g-man? What was Eli talking about when he said "another black mesa"? Will Dr. Magnusson quit being a dick? Is Dr. Breen really dead? All of these and many more questions will probably be answered in Episode 3. However, what comes after Episode 3? If valve was smart it would reinvent half life as it is or (Which I hope they do) look for a new flagship series. Lets look at the elements that make up the half-life universe:

1. Gordon Freeman. He is undoubtedly one of the videogame world's most unique and versatile hero. However, his silent protagonist role and inability to move the plot along by himself makes him rather weak in this day and age. He is the last of his kind, a silent protagonist and an intelligent, logical main character.
