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DemoniclyAnglic Blog

I'm Back

Yeah, I'm back. I took a hiatus from gaming in general and that included GameSpot. I'm back now though. I am obsessed with the demo for UFC 2009 Undisputed and hope to get that for Christmas. I also beat Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and I'm just playing Wolverine at random times.

'Til next time.


ok it's 1:48 EST at time this blog is started...

i'll cover a bunch of topics then log off for like 3 more weeks lol no not really but maybe a week cause i've got vacation...

nostalgia- lol i love it... old pokes games/ROMS/Emulators FTW...'

Pokemon- love it... Blue,Yellow, remakes, ROMS, Diamond, Pearl, Plat they're all just great...

fanboys- hate 'em. nuff said.

KoTOR- gawd i hate the final boss, Darth Malak... but overall i

Just A Heads Up For What's Coming...

I just got back to GameSpot from a little break. I just got these games so I'm gonna beat them and then review them...

Gears of War (XBox 360)

Gears of War 2(XBox 360)

Red Dead Revolver (XBox)

Wolverine (PS3)

WWE: Smackdown vs RAW 2009 (PS3)

So yeah, expect those reviews up pretty soon.

'Till next time.

RantFest 1: Disney Endorsed Kids Who Claim To Be Able To Sing...

Now, I just feel the need to rant about Disney endorsed kids, also called musicians by the musically tone deaf... These kids have no ability to sing. At all. Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana is just a bunch of studio'd up crap.

The Jonas Brothers are just three guys who'd like to be big rock stars...

The same goes for all other Disney/Nickelodeon/Other children's TV channel musician. They're just greedy and want to make some more money... It's not cool. It's annoying.

IMO, it's unfair that they can become more famous by singing crappy because they were on a Disney show than if they had been working for years and putting real talent and effort into their work, like many bands and musicians.

The Demo Roundup Vol.1 (SmackDown vs RAW, Wrestlemania,)

Howdy Gamespot and welcome to Vol.1 of The Demo Roundup, where I talk about the demos that I've played... We've got a lineup packed full of demos to talk about today...

WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2009 Demo-

At first, I found this demo to be simple, stupid, and boring. But, that was because I wasn't using the analog stick. With the analog stick, you can perform specials, punches, grapples, throws, and pins. The demo included a single player 1 vs 1 matchtype and a 2 vs 2 tag team matchtype. The playable characters in the demo were The Heartbreak Kid (Shawn Michaels), Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, and Triple H. I thoroughly enjoyed this demo, especially the tag teaming. I will definitely be purchasing this game. I played this demo on the PlayStation3.


The Legends Of Wrestlemania demo was not very good. The game offered you the ■ button to punch and the ● button to pin. The graphics were total crap. Hulk Hogan looked like a Ken Doll. I played this demo on the PlayStation3.

That's all I have time for right now, I'll put up another edition later. Thanks for reading.

My E3 2009 Predictions...

Okay GameSpot. As E3 '09 draws ever closer, it's time for the predictions. I will post my thoughts for each company. I go in ABC order, not in order of favoring...

General/Multiplatform Stuff-

-A playable demo for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I really wanna see some gameplay!!!
-FFVIII U.S. Release Date

-A new Mortal Kombat game- I think this because Midway is real short on cash right now, so they'll probably wanna cash in on everything they've got.

-Batman: Arkham Asylum playable demo- This game is being too hyped to not have a playable demo

-Prototype playable demo- June 9th is really close, I'd expect a demo


-Halo 3: ODST playable demo- With October drawing ever closer, I can't help but expect new stuff for Halo 3: ODST...

-Alan Wake trailer or demo- Silent for too long, there must be info

-Motion controller updates- they're the only company without motion, so I can see it happening.

-GTA4 DLC- This is really popular, so why wouldn't more info be released?


-A new Mario or Zelda announcement- they strayed to far into casual territory, I think that this year they'll return.

-GBA games on the DSi Store- without the GBA slot now, it just seems neccesary.

- Trailer/demo for Indiana Jones: The Temple of Kings- a movie game, that might be good, I bet it'll be hyped...


-God of War III demo & official release date- it's been in developement long enough for a demo and release date.

-Final Fantasy Versus XIII release date- assuming it'll be around FFVIII, they'll wanna release it near FFVIII to milk it as much as possible.

-Uncharted 2: Among Thieves demo- one of their major franchises, they'll wanna hype this up.


I think that MicroSoft hasn't announced enough yet, I'd expect an announcement ranging from pretty big to life changing (lol maybe not that big, but y'know, you catch my drift).

Who do I think will win E3 2009?

I think that E3 2009 is any man's game. Depending on fan support and announcements it could go either way, but I'm leaning towards Microsoft to win.

Thanks for reading!


I can make banner graphics!


I, DemoniclyAnglic, can make you blog/signature graphics. Just post like this...

Picture you want (just gimme a name, I'll find it)-




It's all free, but in small lettering in the corner it will read DASIGS

My Review Style

I review games based on gameplay, creativeness, length, controls, and pretty much anything else that you can imagine. Except graphics. I don't really care about the graphics because a games can be fun even if it is just pixels *coughcough* Mario *coughcough*.

Anyways, thanks for reading!