Well, I've been thinking lately that I should start creating All Sniper matches in GRAW2 again. Since the group I used to play with were mostly old "Hank Hill" Texan cliches and moved on to other crap. I've lost friends to play GRAW2 with. Though, I haven't played it myself for a little while, I wouldn't mind getting back into it again with some players on here. I've wanted to post this on the PS3 Forum, but I thought I would get modded or something for it and locked with no replies. But I would start playing online again if I had people to play with. Set up a time to meet up and go for it. I used to have All Sniper games in almost every shooter game I've ever owned all the time. Especially with PC.
I also have a mic and like "calling out targets", or "playing tactically" if you will. I love sniping especially when it becomes a game of wits than just run and gun. If anyone is on board and know others that would like this as well, invite them along.
The rules would be:
Only two respawns (or completely off if you'd like)
No kill cam
No drones
No help what so ever.
This of coarse, would be a team play type of match. So if interested, leave a comment or a private message and I'll set up a time or day.
The only over all rule I would make is, no douche bags please. Don't be an ass and cry if you get killed or anything like that. This is for fun "as always" and there's no point taking it too seriously.