Well....looky here! Back in MARCH when I started telling people that the Wii was screwed after SSBB and Mario Kart Wii were out the gate I had Nintendo fanboys screaming of heresy.
They came to me in droves, plastic board held high and told me that I wasn't a gamer because I won't defile my Wii with the disc that contains the pitiful Wii Fit.
They didn't believe me when I told them that Nintendo had blown through their wad and wouldn't have anything resembling a new IP or decent sequel ready until 2009.
Did these people think that I was a newborn baby? Did they think that I was just a stupid kid? Who knows. How did I see Nintendo's Epic FAIL coming? I've only been a gamer for 25 of my nearly 29 years on this planet! Derp! Anyone who has paid attention to gaming for a quarter of a century should know how the industry works. Nintendo blew their wad in the first year of the Wii's lifespan and they have NOTHING LEFT.......for 2008.
What did you expect? A new Zelda? Mario? Metroid? Mario Party? Warioware? HAHAHAHAHAHA.......silly kids. It takes Nintendo YEARS to develop each new entry in its franchises. Even Christmas 2009 is a stretch for anything but Mario Party 9. Each franchise receives only one or two installments per generation. It's been that way since the Super NES.
So......Where the hell is Starfox? F-Zero? Not coming yet. That leaves the Wii in a ton of trouble with the true gamers. Sure, the casuals (it's such a dirty word) will keep buying the Wii and they will buy plastic boards to stand on and some nice shovelware titles for $20-$30 a piece for their kiddies........But what about the REAL GAMERS?
Ohhhhhhhh. We get the shaft! Thanks Big N!
And people wonder why I prefer 360 and PS3! Are they DERPIDY DERP?????? It's going to be a great Summer, Fall and Winter for my 360 and PS3. TONS of great games coming for both. Soulcalibur IV, Gears 2, Fallout 3, Too Human, Fable 2, Halo Wars, Project Origin, Saints Row 2, Little Big Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Resistance 2, Wipeout HD.....I could keep going, but that is enough to prove my point.
If you own only a Wii this generation then you cannot play any of these games! Get off your high horse and pick up a PS3 or 360 or you will be a very bored person in 2008 with no blockbusters to play. The truth hurts, I know........breathe it in. And that is why you shouldn't be a fanboy. You're bound to end up disappointed.