*This was from a discussion between myself and Symphonycometh about shovelware on the Wii and Nintendo fanboyism, it got interesting*
(Me)I may buy more 360 games than PS3 games this year, but I agree that the lineup for the PS3 is more robust this year than the 360s or the whatyamaycallit......man I forget because I only buy like 1 game a month for it.....is it the Wii? LOL! I'm actually rather happy that the Wii is getting almost nothing worth picking up outside of Mario Kart for the next 3 months. My reason is because I have 12 other games I want to get over the next 3 months and they are for PS3 and 360! Wooot! Their getting all my monies!
Wait, i'm not supposed to be excited about that? Der.....whoops! Keep being proud of your PS3! It's getting a ton of quality software right now and through the next few years........with no Zs or Xs in ANYTHING! But yet the fanboys sit back and boast about console and game sales to put down the PS3 and 360.
Well of course crappy games are selling well with the Wii's installed base sitting at like 20 million! One minute on gamerankings.com proves that over half the games on the system are **** And then they go on tirades about how critic scores don't matter! Man, I've been reaeding EGM for the last 20 years and if they say a game is good they have been right. If they say a game suck balls they are right. "But the press is against the Wii becuzezez it iz 'Wii'nning!"
Right........that's the same conspiracy crap that the Microsoft kids used when the original XBOX got bashed around for the first year and the Sony kids used when the PS3 got bashed all over during its first year. People even tried that one with the Dreamcast even though the gamerankings scores clearly show that for a system with barely over 200 games it managed to have 142 games rated above 70/100!
Yet the Nintendo camp still sits in absolute denial! They think that Truxezez and Horsezez and Agatha Christie are just fine. Well good! If that crap has to wind up somewhere it's better than on the PS3 and 360. Especially because both of them combined do not even have HALF the amount of clunkers the Wii has to its name!
How about this? Lets compare the Dreamcast to the Wii right now! The DC was only supported for a crotch hair longer than 2 years, I would know as I have 50 games for it, lol!
Ok, Dreamcast had 142 games rated 70/100 or above and Wii has....drumroll please.......60! WOW! Ok, let's compare it to PS3!! They are only a few days apart in length on the market! And the PS3 has....drumroll please.....78 titles on the market with a score of 70/100 or better. Who is better now? Hmmm? LOL!
Ouch man, just ouch. We have a Wii as well. (As I may have hinted at somewhere in my life. lol.) But I will never deny the fact that they have almost nothing to offer me at this point and time. Luckily for the Wii, Brawl came out and will save them all the way until the next gen! LOL.
*And there are the cold hard facts that the fanboys use every excuse in the book to deny. It is official, the PS3 and Sega Dreamcast are better than the Wii. It is also worth noting that 201 games for XBOX360 have scored above 70/100 and 101 Sega Saturn games have scored above 70/100 at gamerankings.com. So, naturally they are better than the Wii as well. I did not bother to stack the Wii up against the scores of the original XBOX, PS1, PS2 or any Nintendo system as it would have lost out there as well. But you Nintendo fanboys will be happy to know that the Wii did beat out the 3DO which only had 44 games scored 70/100 or better. The 3DO also happened to be the closest ranked system. That's pretty good for a console that only had 77 titles! :P*
*UPDATE 3/28/08* Went back and checked on EVERY OTHER home console. They all own on the Wii in number of games that scored 70/100 or better outside of the 3D0, Sega CD, 32X and Jaguar. Hmm, Wii have a problem.