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DepressionMoon Blog

Attention! PS3 Mod Makers Wanted

Hello everyone. I am a very passionate gamer here and i'm trying to work on getting into the game industry. One thing I need to do in order to nail the job is practice creating games, modding games, and level designing. I've already spoken to a few game companies and this is what they're telling me to do. I have been working with LBP for a while beforeI started emailing companies and I know that's not the definitive software to use but if I can't learn to make a great level in that then howI will I be able to do the samewith a much more complex software?I have a level I've been working on since September and haven't been able to finish it because I don't know how to fix the problemsI have and no one seems to want to help me whenI ask them, but they still accept my friend request.

I intend to better my skills as a level designerand create a level that will remain on the community boards for a whileso that I can get sufficient feedback on the work I did. If any of you are as serious as or who possess great skills in making levels in LBP or maps in Unreal Tournament III, please send me a friend request if you're serious and we can all discuss what time is good for everyone.

I will appreciate the help and whenever somebody helps me out I make sure to return the favor.

My PSN ID: TheBlackTabard

Gaming research

Hi community, I'm currently working on a reasearch paper about video games and I was wondering if some of you could give me some adivce or opinions? I'm trying to currently find an online source that lists the statistics of how many quareters were spent on arcade machines in the 80's. I'm also looking for some of your opinions on games that have great stories or that exemplifies moral ethics. Thank you for your time.