Hello everyone. I am a very passionate gamer here and i'm trying to work on getting into the game industry. One thing I need to do in order to nail the job is practice creating games, modding games, and level designing. I've already spoken to a few game companies and this is what they're telling me to do. I have been working with LBP for a while beforeI started emailing companies and I know that's not the definitive software to use but if I can't learn to make a great level in that then howI will I be able to do the samewith a much more complex software?I have a level I've been working on since September and haven't been able to finish it because I don't know how to fix the problemsI have and no one seems to want to help me whenI ask them, but they still accept my friend request.
I intend to better my skills as a level designerand create a level that will remain on the community boards for a whileso that I can get sufficient feedback on the work I did. If any of you are as serious as or who possess great skills in making levels in LBP or maps in Unreal Tournament III, please send me a friend request if you're serious and we can all discuss what time is good for everyone.
I will appreciate the help and whenever somebody helps me out I make sure to return the favor.
My PSN ID: TheBlackTabard
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