Oh, and of course these are MPT vouchers I have to offer, not MP3 vouchers. I know the thread topic says it all, but I just wanted to ensure nobody got disappointed in the case of game save mis-matches. You can also contact me via MSN or hotmail, were we can discuss any prospective trade time/dates accordingly via email. teneo.vestri.animus@hotmail.com.au no spam please. ):
MP3 Friend Voucher Thread = Jackpot. I currently have 14 Friend Vouchers to trade over to someone willing to trade me theirs, and I will have a full set of 15 for the trade very soon for any wishing to provide me with 15 themselves. (The "Exterminator" Friend Voucher is within reach, and then I will have 15). Please give me proper forewarning so I can add you. My Wii no. is in my signature.
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