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Feast your Eyes Upon...... boredom!

So yeah.... I'm quite bored. I finally beat Dirge of Cerberus last night, as I had to restart when I caught word of a secret extra ending. Though easy to obtain I expected a little more insight on this. You're only left to assume really, and as much research I did on this I only found out a few things. Apparently some of my questions will be answered in Crisis Core, that is of course when it comes out. There is really only one certainty of the entire ending, and that is that there will be another FFVII game coming.

Let me put it this way, if Square-Enix didn't do a follow up to this, it would be one of the biggest kicks in the balls of video game history. Of course we know everything will turn out fine (refer to ending of FFVII or beginning of Advent Children.) however they've left us with such a cliff hanger, and even more questions left unanswered.

The non-secret ending to the game was amazing though. Honestly, if you love FFVII, but hate third-person action games, you should still pick it up for the story. Unless... you're not the story type, but how could you not be if you loved FFVII? Either way, it was beautifully rendered, and beautifully presented. It's also kind of a happy/sad thing, and I won't ruin as to why.

In some non-video game related news, I've basically given up on parkour here in Sh!tvil-er Batavia. Not only is there very little to practice with, but what little there is, has become unavailable, as everyone in this paranoid town is b!tchy. So... I give up.

In other news I got some new models for Warhammer 40k. I recently got an Ork Killer Kan, a Nercon Lord and last night I ordered a Necron Pariah, as well as some more paints. The Necron Lord is proving to be a nuisance, as at first his arm wouldn't glue on, and now his staff as become my next challenge. Metal models just hate everyone... but the weird thing is, the Killer Kan, who is signifacantly bigger, and has more parts, was much easier to put together... though I had to file down the insides.... which took a very long time...

Well... that as they say, is that...
