Here's the problem, there are many problems. Society, realistically can control each and every single one of them. However, the choices people make, are what is really corrupting "our" society. Now, as a mystic, I am open to all religions. I respect them all, except for a select few (see previous blog entries.) There is one religion here in the US that is growing out of control though. I mean no offense to you if you're sane, but Christianity has surely lost it's way.
When I say "sane" I mean you follow the religion like it's told in the book. The book being the Bible. Now if we lived in a theocracy, everything Conservatives said would go, wouldn't it? Well here's the thing, we don't. There's a special rule here, Seperation of Church and State. Since I have no real religion (even if I did) I think this is a great rule. It keeps people's personal beliefs out of topics that don't deserve their bias.
Now the violent video game topic was enough. We have douchebags like Jack Thompson (who made a total ass of himself on G4 earlier tonight) spreading their Conservative filth across a board that is not about religion, as they wish it to be. Now, your beliefs I'm not going to tell you are wrong, but they are wrong to impose on an entire NATION. Impose them on your home, your family, your relatives, your kids until they're 18 all you want. You have no right, and it is actually boarderline illegal to bring them into government topics. Sadly the Conservative party... well exists.
Now you may be wondering why I'm ranting about the game regulation topic now; I'm not. Actually it's something that was just shown to me, that finally pushed me to speak out against Conservatives entirely. If you go here:
You will see a topic where a self claiming "reasonable Christian" wants to there to be a govermental BAN on ANIME. He wants a form of cartoon to be BANNED from an entire NATION just because HE, HIMSELF feels that way. Let me just say this now, I have nothing against Christains, but if you think just because you're Christian, that it means you have free reign to impose whatever you want, then you're incredibly wrong.
Now let's start discrediting this "reasonable" person, and we'll start with his SECOND sentance where he says, and I quote, "Anime is an perverse, evil, insidius form of anime from the dark land of Japan." I don't feel as if I need to comment on anything...
Next quote, his first example: " 1) Ah My Goddess: A sick and disgusting show which causes children under the age of 18 to think they are capable of love. The main female character is clearly under 18, and is forced into a romantic relationship by an older man who "wishes" for her to be his girlfriend forever. He even KISSES her, and she appears NAKED. That poor girl must be so confused."
Dear god, he kisses her!? *Gasp!* I don't know what to say! Where are we to be when teenagers are dating and even yes, kissing!?
Next: "I urge you to sign this petition to ban all forms of anime in the United States. Anyone who is found in possesion of anime should be arrested and jailed for an exhorbant period of time"
You call yourself reasonable, and you want people to be ARRESTED AND JAILED!? Am I insane, or are Conservatives pushing it a little far?
Lastly: "Anime is a dark scourge upon our beautiful nation, and we don't need this Japanese filth corrupting the hearts of the children. "
I think it's your screwed up notion that a CARTOON should be BANNED from an entire NATION based on your PERSONAL beliefs, is what is the dark scourge upon this beautiful nation. What you need to realize is that it is CHOICE that MAKES this NATION beautiful. Cartoons, games, music, and movies only make it more beautiful, even if you disagree with their message/form of expresson/ etc. Do you have the right to say you don't like something? Absolutely. Do you have the power to exterminate it based on your stated opinion, religion, personal beliefs or otherwise? No.
It is the constant stupidity that flows from your mouths that makes me hate you as a whole. Of course I'm not talking about all Christians. I, infact have quite a few DEVOUT and PIOUS Christian friends. It is the Conservatives I hate, simply because they think that their personal beliefs, BASED on a religion are correct, and thus, should be enforced on and entire nation. **** you....
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