Even though today sucked, it hasn't been too bad. Looking at a calendar makes it seem like 2 weeks is nothing. Days though, drag on and come to a relaxed, slow paced ending. In two weeks good things will happen. Hockey will surely be done, and my sister will be moving out. No more complaints form her, no more yelling, screaming, crying etc. from her child.
Wild cards will be thrown, but I'm isolating myself as much as possible. Keeping away from people seems not only to calm me down, but it also keeps me away from doing something stupid.
I know, isolation has never done good in the past. However it's still not complete isolation, simply social isolation. I wish not to make new friends, and have new relationships. The friends I have now are the best I could possibly have.
I did give up on the CS boycott. It must've just been a bad night... Today, I pwned. I still don't believe it's right to make fun of "n00bs, noobs or newbs." It still angered me today when I was playing. Don't degrade them, help them. If you think a video game judges peoples life skills, (this may sound crude) either rethink or just kill yourself.
I'm a believer in natural selection. The stupid should be killed off, sorry for being crude yet again.
Time for chanting.
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