Well, this is it. Online is as dead as it can be to me. With the exception of MMORPG's, online is no longer an enjoyable experience. No matter how many noobs you pwn, no matter how badly you devistate, online is just ruined. As I stated in a previous entry, Halo was the first step in this whole process. You see, Halo and XBox Live brought the joy of online gaming to casuals. Now, while this may seem like a good thing, it's not.
You see, this creates a sort of... addiction, if you will. Casuals get a taste of Halo, and think it's absolutely amazing. Believe it or not, I still have people telling me how amazing this pile of **** game is. There was/has absolutely nothing new, or innovative brought in by this game. It's just a shooter that brought millions of morons to the online realm. Now, back to the "addiction." Casuals get a taste of something they think is good. So they want more, slowly they spread, like the virus they are, into games that are actually good.
Now because of this, we get a bunch of morons and little kids in our servers. These people are what normal online gamers, one's who've been playing for quite some time, call noobs. So we have noobs in decent servers with terrible internet connections lagging it up. Then when they get killed, they feel the need to shout and cus into the microphone, calling anyone and everyone who kills them a "mother ****ing hacker." There's no need for this. Anywhere.
Besides the morons that come in, we have little kids, or "nooblets." These kids feel it necessary to yell into the microphone, at all times. They also think they're bad ass by swearing and calling everyone "gay." This soon becomes an annoyance, and anyone with class just calmly tries to get him to keep his mouth shut. Of course this never works and someone finally snaps. They then swear at the kid, giving him a taste of his own medicine, and he cries to his mother. (Mind you this has actually happened.) The mother then comes onto the mic telling you to stop trying to give her computer a virus (misinterpreting the word "hacker.") Oh yes, this has happened. I **** you not.
Now with this newly founded online craze, we get all of the casuals which has become, which I estiamte at about 95% of the population saying things, and not knowing the meaning. Completely misusing and abusing gaming slang. Saying that they "poned" the test. Possibly calling everyone noobs. Of course, the other day I made the mistake of bringing in a new term. AFK, or Away From Keyboard. I had a bunch of stupid ****s calling me noob and trying to tell me that Halo is the best. Everytime I proved them wrong, they said this, "Well you're just a noob!" How? How am I new to a game? And what game? How do I suck at this fabled game you speak of?
So of course I completely made the mistake of getting a piece of paper and writing AFK on it, to represent that I was now longer participating in the one-sided, closed minded arguement. Bad idea. Now I have two morons guessing the meaning of AFK, before claiming to be online gamers. Every online gamer knows what AFK means. After about 10-15 minutes of them thinking that the F stood for the "F-word" (damn you sensors!) I said, "I'll give you some help, F doesn't stand for ****." So about 30 minites later I just finally told them. Again, bad idea. Because then... THEY TRIED TO TELL ME I WAS WRONG!
Online gaming is dead. The only place your going to find a mature online crowd is in an MMORPG, not in PvP though. There, you have people who are actually role-playing and enjoying a game. Not screaming "hacker!" and constantly yelling into the microphone....
"What's AFK? Already F***ing Know?"
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