Well, it's only drawing closer. Tuesday is my birthday, but not just any birthday, it's that special one where you actually start to gains rights, and aren't really looked at as "little rotten teenager," but rather a "rotten teenager." The certain birthday where people that know you, fear your new soon to be gotten power. Of course, there are regulations, and the possibility you fail to acquire such a power.
Now, there are three specific points I could be talking about. Since I use the term "teenager" it can't possibly be my twenty-first birthday, though people would fear you drinking. Not much power, besides of that to vote comes on your eighteenth birthday. Now what happens that people fear, when you turn sixteen? You drive. So by process of elimination, and simple logic, we are left to assume I'm turning sixteen.
So am I? Yes, yes I am. What was the point of going through all that? Why couldn't I have just been al, "I'M TURNING 16!!!!!!!!1!1111oneoneoneeleven!!?" Well... I'm an a$$hole. People in my school have already admitted to their fear of me behind a wheel of an automobile. You have to remember, I'm the "crazy kid." So naturally this only gives them more reason to "fear" me.
Other than that I've tried being a bit nicer to people, but still my theory of "being nice," isn't universal. Like early during the week, I was talking about how 9/11 was a conspiracy, which I'm convinced that it was. However, my maturity came into question soon after. Even after valid explanation, I was still "immature." So I did, what they wanted me to, and I became immature. Why do I do this? To show them that I wasn't before, but it takes them to mention something, when things turn around.
Honestly, I urge everyone to look into the matter, Americans mostly. It is a huge issue, and could put the entire Bush Administration on trial for treason and war crimes. "An hour of reading can change your life," is mentioned in a video based on facts of the Neo-Conservative group: Project for the New American Century. These people, within our country, that infact run our country now, are trying to up American military strength and budgets to unprecidented levels, and is the first step in an "American world."
Note to yourself that this is NOT conspiracy theory, BUT FACT. You can even go to their "educational" site, which states their goals: newamericancentury.org
As an American I believe what is happening within our own gorvernment is scandalous and wrong. Globalization should come gradually, and shouldn't be forced.
There are certain notes you must make in this entire conspiracy:
1.) How were we able to catch Saddam and Zarquowi, people that had recently became targets long after Bin Laden, yet Bin Laden is without a trace after 5 years?
Possible answer: We aren't looking
2.) Is a "war on terror" even possible?
Answer: No, it's not. "Terrorism" for one thing is a point of view. Therefore, can never truly be won because it's impossible to kill an idea. You can kill those with the idea, but the idea will still remain.
Possible Answer: This "war on terror" is a smokescreen.
3.) Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction?"
Answer: We've found NO weapons of mass destruction within Iraq. This was the whole reason as to why we invaded the country in the first place. UN weapon checks had made thorough checks, multiple times and came up empty handed. Still our country is there, and it is/was technically illegal for us to invade.
-Weapons were disposed of prior to UN inspection, US goes off of old intel. reports
-"Peak oil" theory
4.) What is "peak oil?"
Answer: It's the theory that there is less than half the oil in that the planet once held. As everyone knows, just about everything runs on oil in the world, and is a strong economical factor.
-PNAC* wants to control the oil market, solidify and monopolize the oil market.
-MAJOR (And I mean MAJOR) coincidence...
5.) How did this all start?
Answer: The 9/11 attacks provided the perfect reason to escilate a "war on terror." A war that is clearly inpossible to win, and the idea at the time seemed plausible and reasonable to angry/sad Americans.
Possibility: This attack was staged to justify, descretely of course, the PNAC plans. Think about it, these plans were written up long before 9/11. The oil crisis starts hitting America. The American government tries to make a deal with Afghanistan to build an oil pipeline. They decline. So how do you get the oil, quick as needed? Force. How do you justify a war with a third-world country? I'll leave it at that.
These are only 5 things to question, and there are many more. The reason I use the words "possible" and "possibilites," is simple because there could have been other factors, and of course, if coincidence wasn't possible, the word itself wouldn't exist.
I'll stop here...
*PNAC - Project for the New American Century
"Lay us a carpet of gold, or we will bury you in a carpet of bombs."
-Proverb used to describe the deal between US and Afghanistain.
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