Back to the basics, this user name is the reincarnation of MetalHeadsRUs. No, I didn't get banned before, I just chose to recreate and rebuild.
The main purpose was to start getting people used to seeing the name Deranged Minds. My new studio, on that will be productive.
Derganed Minds will feature music from Alienari, the reincarnation of Phosphorus. We will also feature our new show with the same name, Alienari. "Alienari" is Latin for the phrase "to lose ones mind." Lastly, we will feature art. I can already forsee it being called "degenerate" and "disgusting."
I hope to give people a new way to think, that's my ultimate goal as a mystic. Of course that's not the goal of every mystic, assuming there still are mystics these days...
I want people to think for themselves. To not be afraid to break away and find out the truth on their own.
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