Kind of a boring day. Didn't do too much. Hockey isn't entirely over, sadly. My dad asked a favor of me to finish my season in Rochester. None of the coaches are coming back, and my dad doesn't want to let everyone down. So I told him I'd finish it out.
It's simple actually. I only have to survive two practices, one game and a tournament that will only take up a weekend. However a slight superstition arises as the tournament is on St. Patrick's Day weekend, the day I broke my leg.
Shoud it happen again, my dad promised to make it up to me. I told him it was going to be a bad season, and he thought otherwise. By the end of the season he agreed with me, and apologized.
No one should have to have a miserable time everyday when it's unnecessary. I don't mind going back ot Rochester for this short amount of time. Two weeks isn't that much and it's only two actual nights that I care about. Once a week isn't bad at all.
My dad has seemed much more like the dad I knew when I was younger. For about three years he and my mother have had some sort of problem, and it's finally solved. Everything is finally coming together. Things seem to finally want to go my way.
Hell, even my dad wants to support my band now. Mainly because I think he was serious when he said he was going to live off of me if I ever got famous. Possibly though, it may that he wants to see me succeed.
I've gone through my Hell, and I've transformed into someone far more supieror than what I would've been. Most people would be looking for revenge after four years of putting up with the bull**** I have. Not me. I just want everyone to see what they have, more or less haven't helped create. But thanks to no one/ This is me
That's really it...
"I've come up with a theory, everyone wants me. They just don't want to admit it."
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