Gamer Gate, the Tea Party of the gaming community.
actually, it's the other way around.
Those that claim to be progressive only care about certain kind of "progressiveness" while #GG don't give fucks and that is the point. Just wait for the SJW side to start hating on Hatred when the game comes out to realize how wrong your statement is.
nope think about it The Tea party is a grass roots uprising that rose in an effort to fight corruption in the government political establishment. When the cause gained momentum it was demagogued in the Media by big political players in the washington establishment(both Dem and Republican) and big government leftists as being full of racists, bigots etc in an attempt to discredit them because they saw the threat they were to the power of big government. GamerGate is a grass roots movement that rose to challenge corruption in the games industry, the establishment if you will, and was immediately demagogued by the mainstream press as misogynists and immediately began associating them with more radical and visible MRA movement in a effort to discredit them. In both instances you have a group of people fighting to end obvious corruption by those in power and in return faced a full throttle public smear campaigns trying to associate them with the loons out there in an effort for these people to maintain the current status quo. Contrary to what most will believe when they read my original statement that was not meant as a slur but I forgot how well the smear campaign workerd and that the internet is a very liberal place that probably never questioned that. because it conformed to a predisposed belief and ongoing narrative that conservatives are evil. The point is when you go after people like that you have to be prepared to endure character assassination and that its going to get a lot worse before it gets better. IT was just a thought i had reading through this thread and I thought it was interesting enough to post and maybe will serve to make a few of you not be so quick to judge other people in the same position.
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