Yeah, I would have started a new account.
DerekLStinson's forum posts
Get the guide book. Read a little bit of it. Then play a couple hours to get the feel on how you level up. Then read the guide again look up on the net on how to maximize your stats. Then start over again with a new character.
you know you can change how they look, right?Since theres been a list of oblivion topics recently, well i bring you another. Post here the best race in your opinion in the game and why. And the one you never chose, ever, even in morrowind and why, if you want to.
My fav race is the redguard, nice to start off,its strong, all you need when youre a newbie in the game. It was crucial to have the adrenaline rush in morrowind at the beginning. Saved my *** plenty times.
And the race i never chose was the breton. they look like church people. sorry.
RRoD-E74 errorfree 360s for everyone
exactly, It shouldn't be a wish at all though, because it shouldn't be an issue.
I was a battlemage. Relied heavily on magic but if the going got tough I'd whip out the sword. And when it got tougher still I'd bring out the attack staffs I always kept on me. Wish I would've customized my class though because I was stuck with blunt as a main skill and I didn't use it at all.sLiPz1984
It's not always bad having some main skills that you will rairly use. You don't want to always level up at the fastest rate. You can also keep an eye on leveling up your attributes.
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