User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 8.0/10
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  • Rating:6
    Tries but has far too many issues to forgive

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War

    Tries but has far too many issues to forgive

    I have been trying and trying desperately to like this game. I really liked Shadows of Mordor, and initially Shadow of War seemed to have been an improvement, but now, many many hours in, it has been one frustration af... Read Full Review

    3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:6

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War (Gold Edition)

  • Rating:7
    Tries but ultimately misses

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    Tries but ultimately misses

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution is probably one of my favorite recent games. I've played it in various forms now at least 6 times all the way through and have gotten serious enjoyment from it every time. Mankind Divided jus... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Collector's Edition)

  • Rating:6
    I don't understand the appeal

    Homeworld Remastered Collection (Collector's Edition) (Polish, Czech, Slovak & Hungarian)

    I don't understand the appeal

    I have tried desperately to see the appeal in this game. I'm not finding it at all.So, for starters, the game is imbalanced as hell. Some missions are a total cake walk. Others are utter nightmares to outright imposs... Read Full Review

    2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    An excellent new IP that I consider a must for open world fans.

    Horizon Zero Dawn (Collector's Edition)

    An excellent new IP that I consider a must for open world fans.

    I finished HZD several weeks ago but felt it prudent to let myself digest such while giving the latest Zelda a try to give me some perspective. Ultimately my opinion of HZD hasn't changed and while I think the newest Z... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7
    Excellent in a lot of ways, but just with some really annoying frustrating part that I just can't let go.

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Excellent in a lot of ways, but just with some really annoying frustrating part that I just can't let go.

    The latest Zelda is both a really great, and really frustrating at the same time. It takes some real leaps in the Zelda formula that I really appreciate. However, it also makes some really baffling choices at times th... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Special Edition)

  • Rating:7
    Shows promise in many places, but not really better than it's predessor surprisingly.

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

    Shows promise in many places, but not really better than it's predessor surprisingly.

    I've played all the assassin's creeds save the handheld ones, and I came into this one with a lot of promise that ultimately just turned into frustration over numerous step backs in gameplay.Pacing wise I think ACIV is ... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

  • Rating:6
    8 by itself and fairly good, but have to say, sadly, avoid the expansion that is what costs the score.

    XCOM: Enemy Unknown

    8 by itself and fairly good, but have to say, sadly, avoid the expansion that is what costs the score.

    I can't seem to review Enemy within by itself, so I'm putting this here. The original game is in most way a very good game. By itself, I'd probably give it a 8. This is more about the expansion though. I bought the ... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:6
    Far too much timing and trial and error puzzles


    Far too much timing and trial and error puzzles

    I can see why a lot of people liked this game, but I can't say I do. The presentation is top notch and all, but most the challenging puzzles are all about trial and error and/or tight timing (and I mean tight). You ca... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7


  • Rating:5.7

    SoulCalibur III

  • Rating:8

    Supreme Commander 2

  • Rating:8.5

    Super Mario Galaxy

  • Rating:8

    Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

  • Rating:8.5

    BioShock 2

  • Rating:8.1

    Naruto: Ultimate Ninja

  • Rating:9


  • Rating:8.5

    Assassin's Creed II

  • Rating:8.2

    Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2

  • Rating:9.5

    Final Fantasy XI

  • Rating:8.5

    Muramasa: The Demon Blade

  • Rating:8.5

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution

  • Rating:9

    No More Heroes

  • Rating:8.5

    inFamous 2

  • Rating:8.8

    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

  • Rating:8.5

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

  • Rating:6.1

    Devil May Cry 2

  • Rating:9


  • Rating:9.3


  • Rating:9.4

    Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

  • Rating:6.7

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms X

  • Rating:9
    Not the best in the series, but definitely way better than GS gives it.

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Not the best in the series, but definitely way better than GS gives it.

    Seems 2011 is the year of terribly off the mark reviews for Gamespot, and I think SS stands out as the most off the mark. While SS isn't the best in the series, I would place place quite high. So, let's deal with the... Read Full Review

    0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    A very strong entry in the franchise that is just missing a bit on a few bits here and there that hold it back.

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    A very strong entry in the franchise that is just missing a bit on a few bits here and there that hold it back.

    Well, here we are on the 3rd installment of this franchise, one that has some weird ups and downs. Unlike Invisible War, Human Revolution is definitely a member of the franchise that lives up to the name, but definitely... Read Full Review

    1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.1
    I went in not expecting much, and was pleasantly surprised.  It's not going to blow you away, but it still quite fun.

    Naruto: Narutimate Hero

    I went in not expecting much, and was pleasantly surprised. It's not going to blow you away, but it still quite fun.

    If you're like me, someone who didn't even know this game was coming out, you probably looked at it and thought a couple things: It's a licensed game, therefore it will suck, and it's a licensed fighting game so it will... Read Full Review

    2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    A strong successor to infamous, but with some issues and not quite the improvement it should have been.

    inFamous 2

    A strong successor to infamous, but with some issues and not quite the improvement it should have been.

    I finished playing infamous 2 yesterday after a marathon play session into the wee hours of the morning and overall a very good game. However, I can't give it a 9. It feels like 2 steps forward, 2 steps back, and you w... Read Full Review

    0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:5
    Terrible controls

    Metroid: Other M

    Terrible controls

    I'm not going to say much in this review, because I give up. There is a lot of talk about the story and other issues out there, and from what little I've managed to endure through, I can say those complaints seem to be ... Read Full Review

    6 of 11 users found the following review helpful