I just got a new PC, I'll have to look into those games.
DesertPunk666's forum posts
Yeah, i jsut email bizarre about it, it might be for a short time the beta downlaod allowed XBL silver members gold for 48hrs too.
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone else got the Blur beta and wondering if they're surprised they've capped at rank 10, when the little pop ups in the beta say you can rank up to 15. I'm just a bit confussed by this, so if anyone has any insight that would be great.
I'm playing Mass Effect 2 on my PC right now, the usual swear words are there, but don't come up with every character, only one of them actually swears alot in the game.
As for the blood and gore, when you shoot someone, or snipe them, you don't really see blood, maybe some on walls in some areas.
There is sexual content in the game, but you can easilly screw that up since this is a make choices game.
So if you do decide to get it, ask some other people who have also played it so you can make a fair judgement. We're all gamers, but don't all have the same views of games.
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