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Desert_Punk2007 Blog

Is anyone looking at this?

Just wondering if anyone is looking at my blog, I dont really get blogs. besides no one listens unless your popular or important anyway so no one gives a crap lol.

Anyway Warhammer is looking good and Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa looks great, Finaly a good Sci-Fi MMO....RIP Galaxies.

Tabula Rasa

Early August Rant

As Im sure we all know Blizzard announced Wrath of the Litch King. Im not sure how to feel about this, But I think its just more Raiding, More Raid Armour sets, Less Fun Content and less focus on PvP. But you never know, Blizzard could pull somthing trickey and help out players who Dont Live on the Warcraft Servers. "Manachild" Aka Daniel seems to be doing well now, He hit 70 a week or so ago now on his Preist.

So now Im just waiting on Warhammer Online to fill the hole that Warcraft Left since I stoped playing. I just busy myself with BF2 and BF2142 and SWAT 4 and Dark Messiah. On the horizion there is Crysis and Gears of War and Quake Wars, Farcry2.

End of Rant :|

Bloody Consoles

I'm annoyed at them......They are getting all the good games these days like "Mass Effect" for example. Even when a game is cross platform, PC always seems to get a crap Port of it with out optimization, Not all the time though. If I could have a X360 or a PS3 with the ability to use a mouse for games.... I would not have bothered to upgrade my PC, My PC would just be for general usage and a few games and watching movies and Anime. I want my cake and eat it too. I would like to have a console because you don't have to worry about Upgrading your Hardware or Software, The games are designed for that specific console hardware.

PCs you can play games as well as many other thing, You can also download mods for games which can extend the life of the game itself. Would be nice in some ways if we had Gaming Specific PCs, they would have a specific set of hardware with the ability to do all the normal PC stuff but still be like a console with the game makers producing games for that specific set of PC Hardware.

You get the idea of what I'm saying anyway.

I quit WoW

Yes its true, now I hope I can keep away from it. I wont go into details about it.

So today I got the PS2 game called "Okami". I have not played it as yet but I intend to tonight. Also got Rainbow 6 Vegas today which I hope will be good.

Not a lot happening...

As the title says there is not much going on, I bought myself an ASUS A8S-X Mobo ready for my video card upgrade to PCI-E. The card I wish to get is a 8800 320mb card, as for the specifics of what brand I have yet to decide, Ill wait til the time is closer and see what prices retailers have. I also have tried Silent Hunter 4, It seems to be a Ok game so far, but handleing is a bit hard but I kind of like it. Im playing through FFX, im over half way it seems.

yay ps2!!

So yesterday I got myself a PS2 second-hand for $80 with a Memory card, Then bought 3 Games from EB, FF X, SOCOM 3, God of War. FFX is awsome even though its like 6yrs old, God of War seems cool but SOCOM is just anyoing, FPS is only for PC, for me that is so i might go trade it in for Store Credit at EB.

Today i got DBZ...ah..umm..I forgot whats its called...but DBZ:BT to accronym it., it was in a special pack with a cool looking controler. So the only other games i Intent to get are FFX-2 and FF XII for the moment. I was hoping i would see a cool Japanese Samurai-like game and i did see a couple that seemed like it but i was unsure of what they exactly were. So yeah now I wished I got a PS2 like 5 years ago, I would have had so much fun with it with FF games and the like.

1st Blog Entry

The time has come for me to get a Playstation 2....7 years after its first release. I shall be geting it soon, The reason why is Its cheap and it has lots of games that are also cheap. The games I shal be geting over the next few months would be:

Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy XII

God of War 1 & 2

SoCom (one of the later versions)

One of the DBZ games

Feel free to suggest any other ones you think are good. :D