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Early August Rant

As Im sure we all know Blizzard announced Wrath of the Litch King. Im not sure how to feel about this, But I think its just more Raiding, More Raid Armour sets, Less Fun Content and less focus on PvP. But you never know, Blizzard could pull somthing trickey and help out players who Dont Live on the Warcraft Servers. "Manachild" Aka Daniel seems to be doing well now, He hit 70 a week or so ago now on his Preist.

So now Im just waiting on Warhammer Online to fill the hole that Warcraft Left since I stoped playing. I just busy myself with BF2 and BF2142 and SWAT 4 and Dark Messiah. On the horizion there is Crysis and Gears of War and Quake Wars, Farcry2.

End of Rant :|