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yay ps2!!

So yesterday I got myself a PS2 second-hand for $80 with a Memory card, Then bought 3 Games from EB, FF X, SOCOM 3, God of War. FFX is awsome even though its like 6yrs old, God of War seems cool but SOCOM is just anyoing, FPS is only for PC, for me that is so i might go trade it in for Store Credit at EB.

Today i got DBZ...ah..umm..I forgot whats its called...but DBZ:BT to accronym it., it was in a special pack with a cool looking controler. So the only other games i Intent to get are FFX-2 and FF XII for the moment. I was hoping i would see a cool Japanese Samurai-like game and i did see a couple that seemed like it but i was unsure of what they exactly were. So yeah now I wished I got a PS2 like 5 years ago, I would have had so much fun with it with FF games and the like.