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DesolateGraveX Blog

What the hell is the point...

I don't know why I'm even writing this.

These blogs...
Why write them?
Why post my worthless opinions on the internet?

It's not like any of you are my friends.
Not that friendships even mean anything...

So yeah, to hell with "blogging."
And to hell with these pointless social networking sites.


I got all the stars on Super Mario 64!


It took awhile, and gave me a few horrible moments of nearly unbearable frustration, but in the end, it was well worth it. I feel great now that I have accomplished that.

In the meantime, for anyone who gives the slightest sh*t I'm currently playing the following games:
Titan Quest
Metal Gear Solid 4
Battlefield 2142
Call of Duty 4

I don't know why, but I'm kind of on and off with MGS4, though I still think it's amazing game. I think it might be due to the fact that I don't like playing heavy story-based games if I haven't done it in chronilogical order. After I beat MGS4 a first time, I will get the rest of the series, and play them all the way through. I have a feeling I'll enjoy it alot more the second time around.

Titan Quest is pretty good, but like all hack-n-slash's, it gets very repetitive. This iw why I'm playing it one area at a time, so I don't get too bored with it. If I'm ever in the mood for multiplayer, I'll be playing Battlefield 2142 (if I want something more complex) or Call of Duty 4 (if I want something very simplistic).

Anyway, if anyone would like to add me on xfire, feel free to add me, it's opeth313x.

I am losing interest in gaming.

Over the years, I've realized my taste in gaming is slowly decreasing. For instance, I have recently been resorting to the dreaded Runescape (which I also wrote a review on), though I have decided to break the addiction of that game and all other online games in general, as they provide no real enjoyment for me whatsoever.

What's really annoying is that I really don't even enjoy any games at all. Metal Gear Solid 4... It's a blast for most people, and I am fully aware that it's an epic game, but for some reason I just think I should be having more fun with it than I am. Not only this, but all the online FPS's I used to enjoy (COD4, BF2, CSS, etc) are starting to bore me as well.

Does anyone else ever go through this phase, where you seem to be playing games only to be through with them? Games just aren't the same as they used to be... I don't know. Maybe I need a new game; Maybe I need a new look on reality... I'm really just not sure. Any advice or input would be great, thanks!

New account/Reviews added.

So I just recently made this account... Why did I decide to return to Gamespot? I don't know. It was probably a bad decision considering I'm just writing things that no one reads or cares about, but oh well... It's a time killer (more like time waster).

So, I umm... "transferred" my reviews onto this account, and they should all be posted on here shortly. If you read one you like, give it a thumbs up :)! Anyway, I might post more here later, and if you'd like to know anything about me, just send me a message!