Finally here, I pre-ordered the collectors edition a while ago when it became available and it arrives tomorrow.
(releases on Friday in the UK)
I know its been out for a while online already but this is one game im willing to wait for...
Finally here, I pre-ordered the collectors edition a while ago when it became available and it arrives tomorrow.
(releases on Friday in the UK)
I know its been out for a while online already but this is one game im willing to wait for...
Back from a long break, not really a break since most of the time it was all work but since the year is starting out and all the new year rush is over looks like ill be back on scedule. Just got off to a good start and grabbed myself Burnout Paradise and devil may cry 4 so i guess they are next on my list for a review and what not.
Anyway Laters
What can i say other than its awesome so far, played the demo through a few times now and it just makes me want the full release more each time. It greatly reminds me farcry which is a good thing because that to was awesome.
image posted a few minutes ago of me using the tac gun, Crysis screeshot 1
Just got myself a copy of quake wars for PC, tried the demo and it was really good so i had to get the full thing. Uploaded some gameplay images for everyone to have look at. ^_^
i uploaded an higher definition version of the Assassin's creed video if anyone would like to take a look :
Haven't added any videos in a while so here's my latest, a video for assassin's creed with the soundtrack Unkle - Unkle
As you can see im currently playing the IAH version of granado espada, or the sg version. So far its been quite an experiance because ive never played an online game like this before and the changes sure make a mark once you get used to them. The multi character control works really well and the moving system adds a nice finish to the game since you dont run into random objects, you go around them.
anyway, if i were to give it a rating it would be 10/10 and thats just for the action in this game. loads of mobs and 3 characters to control and kill them all with ^_^. the quests are ok, but a better prize could be rewarded instead of exp cards.
overall though this has got to be the best online game to come out in the last few years.
if you dont mind im off back to playing XD
havent uploaded anything in a while so heres my latest. A Ninja Gaiden Sigma trailer AMV
I noticed the images option just added and uploaded 4 in game screenshots from riddick and need for speed.
Im gonna upload more later on of other games i play namely lineage 2, just cause, diablo 2 and some others that i have installed
A tribute video to final fantasy 10 by squaresoft (square enix) enjoy ;)
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