so my favorite game of all time is always the current gears that is out..i just bought the Raams Shadow DLC and its alot of fun. But anyways im just playing the campaign right now just trying to get it done..if anyone wants to play multiplayer,campaign or horde for some achievements let me know and ill help you out if you can help me out, im a team player in gears, so if anyone wants to play some gears just hit me up on my gamertag: xGunMassacrex29 and just message me saying you requested me from my gamespot blog..well thank you for who ever does contact me because im looking for some fun team players to play with, and you can also contact me anytime on here, im usually on gamespot everyday checking whats the latest with games. Ok well thank you if you do..peace
Desro29 Blog
killzone 3, bulletstorm and nba 2k11
by Desro29 on Comments
i went to best buy the other day for one reason get killzone 3,,bulletstorm and nba satisfied with all of the games. none of them dissapointed me killzone 3 has a great campaign and multiplayer is alot of fun, overal i rate killzone 3 a 9. bulletstorm is fun to play,,alot of blood and fun killin,overal i rate bulletstorm a 2k11 has terrific graphics..alot of fun to play if a basketball fan and even if your not its still a fun game to play..challengin but not to challengin and i like it..overall i rate nba 2k11 a 9
ps3 or 360
by Desro29 on Comments
in my opinion i think ps3 is better than 360 overal..but 360 has a better live concept..ps3 needs to get party chat on live and they will be jus as good as 360 if not better
about me
by Desro29 on Comments
my name is tommy i love both xbox and ps3..currently playin ps3 cuz my xbox live got suspended for no reason..lik to play shooter a team player in war games i hate people that talk crap it gets annoyin,,hit me up if yu wanna talk bout ps3 games or suntinn,,peacee
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