I have decided I am going to blog a little today. Much to my own sorrow, I figure I must be a little bored at this point.
Lets talk about.... F.E.A.R
I was playing online on the Free PC Multiplayer edition and have noticed that a lot of the maps are not available on the XBOX 360 console. Some of these maps are a lot more entertaining that the ones that are currently running and I find that the map Asylum is actually one of the more detailed and well designed maps I have seen in a while.
I think I would like to see the day when PC and Console games match up and are actually capable of competing with eachother in a more true to life fashion.
Afterall how hard would it be for M$ to actually make real PC games playable on a 360. A little coding here and a little backend of Windows there and bang! A machine that you could attach a keyboard and mouse to and you can install and play a game for a PC or for an XBOX. Let the type of install dictate if it searchs for Xbox Live or Internet game sites and I think you would be golden. Ofcourse there would still be piracy but considering the console is linked via XBOX Live you can see the piracy and either shut-down the XBOX or the Live Account..
Anyhow I am just rambling some thoughts off the top of my head and who knows.. One day my fairy tale may come to pass.. In a world where Microsoft actually cares about its consumers. But, Not Today and not Next Week
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