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Revival of the Fittest

So, I have been a huge fan for a long time of the series Zone of the Enders, Kingdom Under Fire, and Legacy of Kain. These series have been a round for a while, and after the amount of time since the last one in the series for each, most would think these to be dead. Well, after heavy research yesterday, I learned the simple word of "revival". Kingdom Under Fire wasn't exactly dead, KUF2 has been in production for a while, just under raps for most of it so when it was announced, it was great to know it was still alive. However, when I did research, I found that the company lead (don't quote me on that) of Eidos stated he wants to bring back Soul Reaver in the Legacy of Kain series, along with Kojima stating that after MGS Rising and MGS3D, he will start production on ZOE3. After seeing a character skin for the most recent arcade game, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, of Raziel and Kain, it is clear the franchise is not dead. Its good to see these games alive and kicking. On poorer news, Devil May Cry 5, named DmC, is NOT being made by Capcom, but by our western peace of crap gaming company, Ninja Theory, makers of Heavenly Sword (crap game) and Enslaved (wannabeplatformer crap game), so in all hopes, I hope they don't screw up an amazing franchise. Also, the lead developer of Megaman resigned, which to many is bad news, but to me, it opens up a brand new world that he blocked, reopening a chance for Breath of Fire to be made again. With all these remakes capcom has been doing, I'm hoping they pick BoF next.