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Anyway, As I Was Saying...

Finally got rid of that cold, so I'll elaborate on that weird ass post :P. Basically, it was a waitress' last days here, so most of us got together to say our last goodbyes before she leaves for Germany with her husband. Of course, I was drunk within five minutes, smoked about two packs in the span of three hours ( which is probably how I got the cold :oops: ). Anyway, if there's any good out of this, I'll give you guys words of advice when you guys catch a cold: Comtrex and Emergen-C (a powder drink you put in water...tastes like sour ass, but I kid you not: this thing works great! :D). Other than that, been playing some Vampire the Masquerade (and damn, this is one of Activision's most creative games...what the hell happened to them all these years? I almost forgot how awesome they were back in the day before saturating their money makers! :o). Anyway, what you all been up to? :D