DA:O May Just Be The Next 10 I Give
by DethSkematik on Comments
Granted, I only played about four hours worth of it so far, but this game is simply amazing! Not many times am I so quickly to judge a game, but then again, I haven't been so immersed in a game in such a short time period. I mean, yes, this is Bioware and shouldn't be questioned, but this just may be their best work yet (KOTOR comes real close...but then again, I'm a sucker for medival periods). Now if I can just get the damn DLC to work...seriously, I got the game off Steam, and the product keys don't work! Anyone able to help me on this is much appreciated :D. Anyway, take care fellas. EDIT: I finally got the registration to work! I e-mailed Customer Support, got a reply, then typed them back in, and now patiently waiting for the DLC to load :D.