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Feeling The Pinch

Well, now I'm feeling that cold, unforgiving, sadistic chokehold of the horrible economy: nothing can beat waking up in the morning to buy some breakfast, swipe your card in the local ATM, and see that big, smiling -$62 in your checking account. I can go both sides of the coin and say that it was partially my fault for going plastic crazy for the past week, and neglecting to take an accurate measure in my spending habbits. (still, I did buy some nice things...a couple games, that sweet pilot joystick to play HAWX on...a duffel bag full of ten year old movies...) Well, that and my paychecks aren't getting any larger as of lately. But perhaps the most perplexing is the fact that "cash" and "disasters" are now homies, people are getting the bright ideas of raising the prices on everything during this situation. I mean, I pooped my pants when I saw how much they're charging for liquor. A carton of cigarettes cost more than what I carry in my wallet nowdays. And food? Oh, man...don't get me started on how I feel anorexic when I see this scant little turd on my plate that costs $25. In a way, I'm kind of glad that I'm single. Heh. That would be breaking my balls if I had to do the above, times two. It's pretty degrading having to ask my own mom to borrow money because I somehow managed to implode my earnings into the negatives. If there were any good to this story, it's the fact that out of the three girls I have a crush on, it's the big, hairy DUDE that wants my number. That's punishment for having a lousy two weeks, I'll never have hopes of getting laid by the opposite gender. So the moral of the story is this: save your money, or towering, gelatenous homosexuals will flirt with you at work. On a lighter note, I'm taking a vacation next week...I need one BADLY. Anyway, take care people!