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Infamous 2, Done!

I finished Infamous 2, and I doubt I'll be going back to it (there's still one more speck of the second city I need to take over, but's one of those "whack some random enemy and wait for the yellow ! to appear" that I've been searching for over an hour, and nothing :|. I pretty much just given up, because all this stress isn't worth the silver trophy). Anyway, I'd like to go ahead and call this one ass-backwards game. You unlock the most useful moves so late in the game that it doesn't even matter anymore (I sure could've used the rockets when I faced my first 30 something teleporting bosses :roll: Oh, and let's not forget the lightning tether, which turns Cole into Spiderman...another move I could've used early on as well :|. Even the most epic powerful move is rendered pretty useless, since you literally find it at the end of the game and hardly have time to get any fun out of it).

Other than that, it was a great game. Managed to get 60% of the Trophies unlocked (even on Hard mode, the game isn't that difficult, just cheap with the thousands of repeated boss encounters) and with all the improvements and such, I still prefer the original over the sequel. I'd even go as far as to say that without the constant bombardment of said enemies, I'm afraid the game wouldn't have lasted that long (in other words, I think it's there to artificially lenghten the game). Don't get me wrong though, this is one improved game, just with a lot (and I mean, a LOT) of very odd choices placed in the game. Going back to my statement about unlocking moves being totally useless, let me elaborate: these would've been more useful if say...I beat the game then decided to go back and do side missions, but I did them as soon as they unlocked, so there's not much to do if you stick with this plan. With boss battles, you've faced them at least a dozen times before you finally unlock something to level the playing field (then can't fight the urge to bang your head on the desk as to why it wasn't implemented sooner), but the biggest irony is that if you kept up with the game, most of the things you unlocked were already present in the first game (and didn't take so friggin' long to acquire) which..well, kind of defeats the main hook about Cole traveling to a new city to get stronger (seriously...the Rockets were one of the earlier moves I unlocked in the first game...why is it that when I'm a third of the way through is when I finally "unlock" it?) :|.

But it does have its share of completely breathtaking moments as well. One of my personal favorite moments has to be when a lightning storm breaks out and you're surrounded by stuck out the most because I truly felt godly at that moment. I mean, all I had to do was press L2 no matter where I was, and I'd recharge (and went nuts with the arsenal). Then there's those god-awful boss battles, for what they're worth, look like something straight out of a Marvel comic: buildings crumble, roads burst open, cars and people go flying in the chaos...and if they weren't so atrocious, I'd appreciate the attention to detail a lot more. But then there's those repeated moments to mindnumbing too...first thing that comes to mind is powering up cities: not only was hopping from one transformer, grinding rails to the next one completely annoying in the first one, this time they're so far away and so many that the same frustration is actually amplifed in this one (typical charge a transformer, survive an onslaught of enemies, fire a Tesla missile halfway across the map, run to the next tranformer, and repeat about three times).

In short, I'm very mixed about the game: the story kept me glued to my chair for hours, but everything else surrounding it was pretty dull. During many moments of the game, I actually got sick of repeating every swear word known to man about a million times, that I ended up creating new vulgar words in four different languages. someone who was pumped about this game and actually snuck out of work to pick up my copy...this moment was pretty bittersweet.