In other words, L.A. Noire party! :lol: I'm picking the game up tomorrow (kind of bummed I didn't make it on release day) and been pretty much on a roll actually hopping on my PS3 for a change (just picked up Fight Night Champion...AGAIN, on the PS3 this time...been having a blast with Legacy mode) and patiently (i.e., impatiently) waiting for the PSN Store to come back online so I can scope out what I've missed out on (please have Dino Crisis 2 and Parasite Eve 1&2 on the Classics section! :cry:.). Anyway, not having PSN was one hell of an inconvenience...not on Sony's behalf, but because of the games: I couldn't even register Fight Night for online play, because typing in the online pass requires use of the PSN store :| (kind of unbelievable that I'm able to play online, but not with this game...because of that "innovative feature." :|).
Anyway, I was pretty stoked at work, because while I was on my phone (yes...I've been working hard today :lol:.) and saw another expansion for Fallout New Vegas. I'm willing to assume that the studios listened to fan feedback (because Dead Money blew :|) and Honest Hearts is going to be a "not-Dead-Money" kind of bad experience. That, and it falls into the Burned Man mythology you constantly overhear in the game...and I finally get a chance to see who the hell this guy is! :x I'm hoping it's going to be a blast to play, because this one kind of flew under the radar (I didn't hear a thing about a new chapter coming soon until today :? Heck, I didn't even hear anything about it on this site :?). Other than that, waiting for Infamous 2 to release, another game I pre-ordered :D.
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