Dear Bethesda: FIX YOUR ENGINE! :evil:. The same engine used for Oblivion, Fallout 3, and New Vegas, it's famous for being one of the buggiest, unstable ones used for a videogame (don't these guys ever learn? ??). I'm a little peeved, because I finished all the quests for the Brotherhood of Steel, and I was supposed to trigger an initiation quest that rewards me with Power Armor training...thing is, after a few days (hell, a week also) of waiting in-game, I realized the damn thing is bugged :|. I read up online, and what's supposed to happen is [spoiler] you either help out the Elder with his needs, or as an optional side of the quest, help Hardin overthrow the Elder, which triggers one of the two initiation quests...but all I get is the same looping dialogue about the preparations...basically, what you're supposed to do is visit Hardin FIRST if you're going to overthrow the Elder, or not bother doing the optional quests if you want the Elder to stay, and your reward is Power Armor training...doing the opposite will pretty much bug the quest. Just a little heads up for my bros :D Although I read up that there's an optional way of getting the training, so I'm stalking Google for hints. [/spoiler] . Anyway, it's disappointing, to say the least...but I'm one level away from the max, so unless I end up running into an army of Deathclaws somewhere in the main quest, I doubt I'll need it.
Aside from that, my greatest accomplishemnt so far has to be whacking Caesar. Seriously, I stormed into their main camp (I did enough quests for the NCR for them to hate my guts anyway, so I had nothing to lose :P) and decided "what the hell" and just went nuts with the Super Sledge :D. Let me tell you, it was one long, exhausting battle. Caesar's elites are pretty buff, and attack with their Ballistic Gauntlets (which is the ONLY weapon I use's pretty much a Power Fist with a bang) and after a few hits my limbs are crippled. I had to restart the checkpoint a few times, but eventually did the deed. After I level up more, I'm entering the base again to off his right-hand man (there's more of these guys in there, and I'm low on Stimpacks...I'm just preparing :D). Other than that, another grueling battle has to be taking on the Deathclaw Alpha and Mother...if you thought Deathclaws were pretty though, these guys kill you in two hits, stick together with a family of five...and well, took me about an hour of trial and error to figure out a good strategy (mine was using a missile launcher as a sniper rifle :P). Anyway, that's about it...I'm in no hurry to finish the main quest because I'm waiting on the expansions (if it's anything like Fallout 3, it probably has the "once it's over, it's over" ending, and I really hate playing these kinds of games back to level 1...they really should add a New Game + because I'd gladly tweak on this game from the beginning if I could keep my levels and perks :D).
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