by DethSkematik on Comments
Well, with a little help from mom, I got my desktop a little early! :D Let me tell you, the sales clerk was not kidding when he said the damn thing weighs 40 pounds :shock:. And, as a needless ball breaker, to upgrade the thing without voiding the warranty, I have to take it to Geek Squad if I ever decide to swap out a video card or upgrade memory :roll:. Other than that, I have no complaints...yet. Well, I set the thing up perfectly, going to pick up some surround sounds tomorrow after work, and a chord...yeah, in my anxiety, I forgot that I'm not buying a laptop this time, and it doesn't come with built-in wifi :lol: So, I'm stuck on my laptop, for now :x. Actually, I'm going to look for one of those USB wireless adapters (if those even exist :P). Well, the whole thing is set up, all I need is internet. And even still, I won't be able to play around with it until the next day: I'm predicting hours of updates, downloads and installations *sigh.*