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Ol' Reliable!

Well, I just dug out my old laptop I used to marathon a few years ago under piles of torn clothes and bags of expired potato chips...crap so insignificant, they don't even warrant a trip to the trash can :P. I gotta tell you, this thing still has a ton of juice left in it! :shock: I mean, I loaded up Saints Row 2, cranked it to High, and didn't experience that much slowdown (sure there's some here and there, but it's playable...probably if I lowered the AA it would be seamless). Of coure I'm pretty sure Metro 2033 is out of the question, but nonetheless I was rather suprised that this old thing can run better than I expected. I was about to sell this thing to a friend, and just booted it up one last time to clean out my harddrive and play one last round of games before I said my goodbyes...well, I may just keep this thing after all. I was browsing online to make sure this Alenware netbook was something I really wanted to buy, and stumbled on this really sick desktop for just about the same price (and it's been since my teens I've stretched my legs with a desktop :D). Well come to think of it, I really wouldn't mind the bigger size to carry around when I travel. Aside from a few keys I had to superglue back on (top of my desk fell apart, and landed...of all places, on my laptop :x At least it broke off keys I never use, right side Ctrl, Alt and print button) and a harddrive with a whopping 7 gigs of space, this thing runs flawlessly...even if I do miss my 1920x1080 resolution and Intel i7 proccessor :P.

I know I ditched this thing because laptops (at least this one) can't be upgraded, so I got the other one and stuck with it to keep up with the newer games. Now that I'm planning on getting a desktop, which now I can at least go power hungry and upgrade to my heart's content...that leaves the question on what the hell am I going to do with my super-laptop!? I'm dead set on getting a desktop, and for that price I can afford it in a few months (maybe even fewer if I can convince a relative to lend me some money for "educational investments." :P). Anyway, here's to old reliable...before today, I completely forgot I had this thing in my possession, and I just don't have the heart to part ways with something that used to be my prized baby all those years ago. I mean, so many memories with this $800 laptop with seriously outdated specs! Well, take care guys, and I'm going to see if I can run Dragon Age and Mass Effect on this thing.