Singluarity: Done!
by DethSkematik on Comments
Well, I just finished Singularity, and to put it bluntly, I'm satisfied. It's pretty rare that I say I was neither disappointed nor blown away by it, but it was a pretty entertaining game. Although I do commend the game that dangles an obvious conclusion the closer you get, but don't quite hit the Aha! moment until the end (in other words, quite a plot twist that was unexpected). Anyway, the faults I could find in the game were some random flat textures that happened quite a lot and got pretty annoying, but other than that it was a seamless playthrough (I can't even complain about getting lost in the game, since there's a button to help point you in the direction, Dead Space style). The weapons are both creative and fun to use (a rifle that shoots a bullet you control with your mouse, a grenade launcher you can steer grenades using the keyboard) and of course, the TMD itself which was always fun to abuse. And I must add, the last 20 or so minutes of the game does nothing short of making me feel like a god :D. Bottom line, a great game to RENT if you've got a couple days of nothing to do, but if you pass it up you're not really missing much here. Like I said in my last blog, I'm most likely going to uninstall the game since I doubt I'll be returning back (I'm on the fence about re-playing the last chapter to see the other endings). Anyway, just 13 more days until Mafia 2! :D