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The Media's Dictatorship.

The thing about the media: they seem hellbent on controlling everything from movies, music, to even professional athletes (honestly...I could give a rat's ass about what Tiger Woods does with his luxury time...I pay attention to the guy when he's winning games :|). Although the ironic thing has to be when they praise something to godly status before it even comes out, and in turn are the very first people to burn it at the stake when it doesn't quite meet such high expectations. As such, as simple-minded as the media has proven themselves to be, their opinion also screams the loudest. In other words, many good things tend to be overshadowed because they focus on crap.

Yes...the media has always been a cult of highly opinionated fanatics who want to cram their thoughts down people's throats. I mean, at times, they even go as far as to convince the masses that one single product should be avoided because of one thing vaguely buried somewhere inside that's offensive. You know, as if the entire world is nothing but one-track minded puritans whose ears and eyes would bleed should we see anti-PC material somewhere in movies, music or games :roll:.

The one thing I love bringing up is Mass Effect...they made such a big deal about having sex with aliens, that by the time I got to that part, I wanted to call up Fox and plead them for what they were smoking, because the romance in the game is about as explicit as watching two teenagers kiss: some would say they make a good couple, while some will claim it's going to lead to underage sex :|. That, and whatever illicit thoughts they had from two computer generated characters making out followed by a black screen, I would really, really love the kind of drugs that make me see things that aren't there :D.

For whatever reason, the media sees fit to be the judge, jury and executioner of entertainment. They say "think of the children," but that's a job fit for a parent...not a group of people promoting a bland world (who I am convinced are still virgins) :|. Now, I'm not saying it's wrong to have a different opinion on things. I'm just saying when your opinion is not well thought out, much less obvious you have no idea about the material you're reviewing, it's not something I'd like being shouted in my face. I mean, I'm actually suprised the war on videogames is STILL raging on. When someone actually has to fight for the rights to what videogames can and cannot contain, it's just ridiculous on the media's part...if they really want to purify digital entertainment, they should tackle the porn industry, because I've heard of more kids watching porn on their computers than trying to smuggle in a violent videogame. And really...what's a more horrific experience on one's childhood? No, when people are trying to tackle something solely on popularity and trying to sift through finding the bad out of the good, they seem more like bullies with a serious case of prejudice than people who actually care about what we do with our lives.