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Wii Game #...3.

I just bought Monster Hunter for the Wii, and holy crap...I haven't bought a game for the Wii in ages! :shock: I'm a sucker for the Monster Hunter series, so I really had to get it, regardless of platform (no matter how much disdain I have for it :|). Honestly, the game and the Wii are a perfect mix. The graphics are pretty great, it's the same game we've all known and loved (or hated), but what I love most, ironically, is the controls. With the nunchaku, I can actually lounge in my chair with both arms on the arm rest, kick back and enjoy the game. It's actually pretty comfortable. And as a sweet bonus, motion controls are purely optional. I mean, it's there, but not required for anything (swing a sword, and that's about it). Anyway, I'm pretty shocked at myself for praising the Wii...even if it's for this one moment, you have no idea how much I freaking love the Monster Hunter series! :P I honestly pour more hours into that game than any other (well, except for MMOs and such). What can I say, I'm guessing Nintendo got tired of my hate speeches about their system, so they hired Capcom to put my kryptonite on the Wii...brilliant! :o Anyway, take care fellas, and you might want to bookmark this blog...quite possibly the only time I DON'T hate the Wii :P.