@rantingraj @AlexFili haha..i finished the game with 100% items found and all weapons fully upgraded on hard (not really). To buy these short cuts is lame and would have ruined the challenge which is part of the fun. Game was fun, but I have no plans on playing this game anymore. Sell, sell, sell...
Can't wait! BF3 is the best and haven't got bored of it like other shooters in the past. Premium was woth the buy compared to most other DLCs. Only haters complain.
The Orange Box was one of the best deals to come to consoles, but it's one of the games I missed when it came out. I just finished playing Half Life 2. Wow. The game is long. The story and gameplay are awesome. Graphics still look good. I hope Valve never ends up going out of business. They are one of the best.
@Lambchopzin Yeah, the man knows how to sell and speak a good game. Had me interested, but then I saw the graphics...I'm not sure if I'd play this if it was given to me.
Man, I wanted this to be good and I thought about buying it on the release date, but I did my research and I'm glad I didn't. This sounds like Duke Nukem all over again. O.k., maybe not THAT bad.
How about the focus on dumb parents that are unnaware or know, but just don't care, of the ratings systems for video games? Who's buying their kids violent games? How about educating parents instead of blaming the industry? Do you know how many times I would go on to play CoD:MW2 or BLOPS online and hear foul mouthed kids under 16 playing? Too much. One of the reasons i stopped playing CoD was it got disturbing hearing little angry kids cussing and adults egging them on, like its funny.
Queit down? Aw, hell no. No credibility? Lust for money? Self interest? Look in the mirror "Mr. politician". I've been a gamer for 20 years and these shootings are too few and far between to justify your ignorant view.
DeusAlex's comments