When Sony Online Entertainment (SoE) decided to release RMT transactions on all of it's Everquest 2 servers, I knew from the start this was the signal of the end of the EQ2.
Because not only did SoE release this major installment literally without warning (with the SoE forum moderators not even knowing what to write about it) and with only a minor update note to keep it even more low profile, they promised it would not be released on non Exchange servers (after the player population yelled a, "HELL NO!!"). The management lied to it's customers, and now even forcing this RMT without a choice.
Already disappointed with the TSO (The Shadow Odyssey) expansion, and the reason I bought it (the mount, which was broken from the start as it doesn't scale to my Barbarian character); not able to even tradeskill much due to the XP change (making it more difficult to level from 70 to 80); not able to profit from it, as Provisioning doesn't make money in the game; and bored to tears with little to do but mindless quests at 74 (too low still for the good content; yet too high to kill more interesting content); and the ever increasing less people online to play with when I'm online; RMT was the final match to torch my account.
I canceled my account. And canceled it to never come back.
Still upset with all that, and after the VoyageCentury item mall experience still fresh in my mind, I proceeded to voice my displeasure on the official forums. I tried to be polite and sticking to the subject, but SoE's fanbois are a dime a dozen there (bought and paid for by more trinkets). They would twist and turn your words into exactly what I didn't say; outright troll; get personal with their acid dripping, "Have a nice day" replies. I guess the final straw was when a poster asked how was the server population, and I told the OP the truth of not only the server population my own experience as a new player.
The end result is this badge of honor..
This is how SoE silences the critics of dropping a hot pile of crap in their lap, and expecting any customer to take the stench and all.
I purposely searched for a MMO without a item mall after watching how IGG (VoyageCentury's franchise owner) had ruined the game in an effort to milk players for their last red cent -- and the abuse of city scrolls. EQ2 is a subscription P2P MMO, and considered it the safest to not go that route as Sony is a big name.
RMT is evil to games. It turns a game to have and have nots, with those who worked for their goods feeling cheated by Junior with mommy and daddy's credit card(s) buying hard earned gear and goods. No longer is the game about skill and working the names, it's about who can rob a bank to bankroll the future costs to stay alive and keep up with these brats.
Sidenote: IGG's online store wasn't always so secure, so when I would refresh the browser, I could sometimes see the amounts purchased by other players. What did I see? Item mall cash cards to the tune of $500 and $200 increments. Not yearly, not even monthly -- weekly. Folks with that much income spending on a game they play for hours to no end, don't have a real job. BUT, gold sellers have the cash!
So far EQ2's population is divided between the fluff buyers; the defenders who'll tap dance for SoE (as they expect to be paid in some form for their "loyalty"); the usual gold sellers who keep claiming it's all harmless (yeah, my big toe!); the wait and see types; some angry types; and a smattering of posters claiming to cancel their accounts. But the general pulse is still the population doesn't prefer RMT, but will sample some of the fluff.
That's the death knell for Everquest 2, as once the door is open, players get used to the junk and the rest is history -- much like what occured with IGG with it's limited item mall, that eventually expanded with the Hurricane Island game expansion, making the the item mall no longer a simple option to survive it.
I'm still upset, having lost 3 months of my life playing EQ2; harvesting over a 1000 with about 900 rares left (all going to waste); buying an expansion that's worthless to me (and what it did to the gameplay); and encountering their fanbois that I want to eat and spit out,
Eventually I'll calm down. Eventually I'll move onto another game. But I'll never forget this incident. No more Sony games; no more Sony movies. If it's Sony it's donkey doo for me now on. Will NOT support bad conduct, no matter what.
Read this and weep SoE fanbois and SoE itself -- Everquest 2 has become literal #2 in my book.
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